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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ozzie the eagle dies from injuries

CROW has announced that Ozzie the eagle passed away last night due to complications from his recent injuries.
The clinic said his injuries were likely sustained from a fight. Here is the full statement from the clinic:
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Ozzie, the bald eagle, co-star of the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam.  Ozzie passed away last night at CROW due to complications from his recent injuries that included multiple severe lacerations and a broken toe in each foot.
Ozzie was brought to CROW for a second time on Sunday, September 27, after he was found weak and injured in a North Fort Myers backyard. He arrived at CROW late at night in critical condition, unable to stand and fighting septicemia (a bacterial blood infection).
It is highly likely these injuries were sustained from a fight with another bald eagle near the nest that was documented on the Southwest Florida Eagle Cam Facebook page. It was also reported that he had been entangled in barbwire.
A necropsy will be performed on Ozzie at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (SCWDS) at The University of Georgia and we will share those results with you when they become available.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and unwavering belief in CROW during Ozzie’s rehabilitation and recent stay. Your endless words of encouragement carried the CROW staff through challenging times.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Heather Leffel explains MS

What is MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and what are the symptoms ?
Listen to this podcast and find out from someone who has MS 
and is trying to reach the world with her message.

Thanks for listening and please share on your media